Thursday, July 12, 2007

Top Programmers and Python

In a survey of Top Programmers Linus Trovalds is rated #1. The List is

1. Linus Torvalds
2. Alan Turing (Great Hacker)
3. Dennis Ritchie (No info needed)
4. Rasmus Lerdorf
5. Donald Knuth ( The Guru Programmer)
6. Richard Stallman (GNU)

Out of all, I met Richard Stallman in person. Yes, I met him in MIT (not that MIT, MIT chennai), when I was doing my MCA Final Year Project. I got 2 GNU stickers from him, I've pasted it in my "Unix Internals" book by Uresh Valhallia. I've preserved it as my treasure for the past 5 years.

He is one my inspiration, my other inspirations are:

=> Donald Knuth
=> Grady Booch
=> Bjarne Strustrup
=> K & R
=> Alan Turing
=> Marvin Makinsley
=> John Backus

Just got a short and sweet tutorial for Python. You can learn Python in 10 Mins.

Today's Quote: (I feel lucky, got Ayn Rand quote today)

"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values."
-- Ayn Rand

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