Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Breaking and Building

Again, It has happened, I have broken the trust of my wife. Why is it happening like this, my relationship with my wife is growing to heavens. But all of a sudden, it is broken. This is happening for the 3rd time in my marriage life.

Now, I have to start from the first. I have to start building my trust from the ground level. It is a Himalayan Task, it requires lot of Patience. Everything is because of my troubled Childhood.

But, whatever happens, her trust will return to me. Because "I Love Her" so much.


Cogito Ergo Sum said...

In the place of 'Himalayan Task' - the word "Herculean Task" would have suited better.

Hmm...Seems you are Growing in your marriage life. If there is not problem in marriage life, then better check "you may be in wrong way". :)

Reemus Kumar said...

Good comment
"Herculean Task" - I will change it.

So, I'm heading in the right direction. Thank you for the insight.