Friday, October 10, 2008

You are what you are ....

You are what you are, nothing more, nothing less. - Terry Goodkind.

I have completed reading "Wizard's First Rule" by Terry Goodkind. I read about 300 pages yesterday to make it complete. The story for interesting. It is a very good read for all Fantasy Book lovers.

So, what is "Wizard's First Rule" ? It is "People are Stupid". People will hear what they want to hear, whether it is truth or lie.

I'm a lover of Fantasy Books. I don't know when it started. Since my childhood days I used to watch lot of Magic Movies, and read books of that kind. I still remember reading "Vikram and Vettal" cartoons in Thinamalar Daily.

Terry Goodkind is a fan of Ayn Rand. You can see it in his writings. I have lot of Series in the pipeline.

Terry Goodkind - Sword of Truth
Terry Brooks - Sword of Shannara
Robert Jordan - Eye of the Dragon
Erick Steven - Malzan Empire series

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