Monday, January 05, 2009

Umberto Eco

I was first introduced to Umberto Eco when I was in IMSc, for my final year project. I started with "Foucault's Pendulum", I became his fan. I don't whether I chose my Novels or they chose me. Usually the Books chose me. It will come straight to my hand when I need it.

Last weekend I saw Movie "The Name of the Rose" made from the book of the same name by Umberto Eco. The movie is fantastic. Starring Sean Connery and Christian Slater, don't mind if you couldn't, it is an 1986 film.

I have completed reading "The Stone of Tears" by Terry Goodkind today. The last 200 pages are very addictive, I couldn't leave it. It a page turner. I promised myself that I will not read it, until I complete Robert Jordon's "Eye of the World" but I couldn't resist.

I wish you all "Happy New Year - 2009".

"We are what we are, neither more nor less" - Terry Goodkind.
"People are stupid. They will believe what they want to believe" - Wizard's First Rule.
"The greatest harm can result from the best intentions." - Wizard's Second Rule.


Cogito Ergo Sum said...

Reemus...Quotes are real good...btw, can you tell me how you get these quotes from the books you read...

It never strikes me..probably i am not good in reading books..never means never..

Reemus Kumar said...

As you know, I read a lot of books.

Most of the quotes come from a series of books written by Terry Goodkind. The series name is "The Sword of Truth".

What I will tell you is I started noticing remarkable quotes by watching movies, especially Matrix Trilogy.