Monday, February 12, 2007

Unix Books

There is lot of improvements I can see in my life, after started blogging and maintaining a daily journal. I can see my patterns are changing. Now, I need to Goal to move toward it.

This is my plan to become a Unix Hacker:

* Unix C Odyssey
* Advanced programming in Unix - Rebecca Thomas
* Advanced Unix Programming
* The Design of Unix OS - Maurice Bach
* Unix Internals - Uresh Vahallia
* Linux Programming - Wrox Pub.
* Understanding Linux Kernal
* Unix Network Programming - Vol-I, Vol-II
* Illustrated TCP/IP - Vol-1, Vol-2, Vol-3

This is my Road Map for 1 Year (2007). I must follow it consistently to be sucessful.

Currently, I'm reading "The Road Less Travelled" By Scott Peck. I have also improve my blogging skills. Need to buy some book abt blogging and read it.

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