Monday, August 20, 2007

Gödel, Escher, Bach

Recently I've started reading Gödel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter. It is one of the great books in the array of "Alice in the Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll.

"Alice in the Wonderland" is one of my all-time-favorite books. It is not only a book for children, it is a good for intellectuals. You will come to understand when you read it very deeply and contemplate over it again and again.

You will come across many Paradoxes.

Books of Deep Understanding:
* Alice in the Wonderland (& other works by Lewis Carrol)
* How the Mind Works (& other works by Steven Pinker)
* Gödel, Escher, Bach

Zeno Paradox:

It says Achilles (one of fastest runner in the world) cannot overrun a slow tortoise.

The reason is something like this... say tortoise has already started the race and crossed over distance DT, now Achilles is started running. When Achilles comes to DT, let us say the time taken by Achilles to cover the distance DT is TA.

At this point, the tortoise has a time of TA, so covers a distance DT1. Now, Achilles who has already covered DT, takes TA1 interval of time to reach DT1.

At this point, the tortoise has a time of TA1, so covers a distance DT2, Now, Achilles who has already covered DT1, takes TA1 interval of time to reach DT2.

In C++ ...

for(i=1;i!=i;i++) {

At this point, the tortoise has a time of TA(i), so covers a distance DT(i+1), Now, Achilles who has already covered DT(i), takes TA1 interval of time to reach DT(i+1).


OPHH.... God Save it. Did you UNDERSTAND.... ?

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